Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Four of Pentacles - reversed

The Four of Pentacles is already my friend - I see him whenever I've got that hoarding feeling.

Right now I have that feeling about time, weight management and money. Perhaps because I've been doing the gift thing - for myself as well as my family, I worry that money will suddenly be tight. Nevertheless, I forge ahead with home projects (I'll have a REAL mirror in my hall bath soon!), manicures and all the little things that make life feel good to me.

Another possible meaning is to block energy or progress, or fall back on the status quo. Tuesday was not a very move-and-shake day, that is true - the biggest thing I did was figure out (on my own) how to take advantage of some of my ad hoc reporting infrastructure.

All the data I found and was so gloriously happy about...then suspicious of...did turn out this week to be bunk. There is not a problem, and the dollar amounts I was seeing were ghosts of what might happen if our shipping volume dipped down below the deep, deep discount mark.

So, in a sense, I had to come to terms with the fact that the staus quo is correct - my company does not have a problem. An emotional letdown perhaps, as I was so glad to just be able to pull hard-data...but a GOOD THING for the company, nevertheless!

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