Friday, March 03, 2006

2 Days Behind...and Counting

Okay, now I'm 2 full days behind in my tarot pulls. Why is it that something so good for me is often so hard? I thought about pulling cards TWICE last night...and then didn't go make a teenie quiet space to just do it. Why, Why, WHY?!?!

Same question on the weight-loss front, right. I know WHAT to do, but the execution is lacking. Same issue on the business front too - I know what to do to make my CM business pay off...and yet, and yet....

My problem is certainly not unique. I see this all around me within the organization where I currently work. Is the problem that we have a plethora of other choices? Interrupts? Options? I mean, who 'invented' procrastination? Is it an inherent human quality?

Is there a CURE YET!?!?!

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