Friday, June 08, 2007


I feel so supported and loved. Thank you to all the amazing people who have supported me LEAVING MY CRAPTACULAR JOB!!

Wow! Resigned! Good for you!
I can understand your fears, but you just did a courageous thing in pursuit of your true self and happiness and I hope you can settle in that at least a little.

True courage is not the absence of fear—but the willingness to proceed in spite of it. --Unknown
I don't have 50 stories only one.
When I retired from coaching when I was 38 years old and entered law school I was making six figures and the majority of the people I knew thought it was a unwise decision ( they thought I was crazy). I decide to pursue my dreams. I have not regretted one single second of that decision. Congratulations for pursuing your dreams. You are going to soar.

[Leaving your Job]...that is an exciting change....many congratulations!!!!
taking a step up within ourselves is both exhillerating and a bit fearie hair-raising
the universe parts for those who crown themselves and take steps up to their own

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