Friday, October 28, 2005

Aspiration Machine

Merriam-Webster Main Entry: as·pi·ra·tion
Function: noun
1 : a : audible breath that accompanies or comprises a speech sound
b : the pronunciation or addition of an aspiration; also : the symbol of an aspiration

2 : a drawing of something in, out, up, or through by or as if by suction: as a : the act of breathing and especially of breathing in
b : the withdrawal of fluid or tissue from the body

3 a : a strong desire to achieve something high or great b : an object of such desire

It is Front Desk Time, and the highest paid receptionist in Silicon Valley (me) is trying to decide why a blog might be a good idea.

Aspiration Machine

That's what it is right? A place to help me stop each day and breathe (and write).
A place to suck in new ideas (and write about them).
A place to withdraw the negative thoughts, comments, attitudes... and allow myself to be the happy-go-lucky, cheerleader by nature that I might actually be (and write about that).
But mostly, it is a place for my aspirations - objects of desire- to be examined, built, and perhaps to become reality. After all, I kind of like to write...

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