Friday, October 20, 2006

T3 & Credit Union Juxtaposition

Uhm, how nervous should I be about the following:

My Credit Union posts on their website that they have a planned systems upgrade starting on a Friday night at 10pm, lasting...mostly through the weekend. No problem. It is Friday at 3pm, I'll check my accounts, make sure there's no problems, bills are getting paid, etc., and then be out of town all weekend anyway.

Except the logon won't accept my name & password (ARGH). Now I'm calling.

"I'm sorry, our systems are down, and IT estimates 3-4 hours until they are back up."

I'm thinking, "Huh? You're a BANK. You have my money. You can't 'go down.'"

This seemed eerily connected to a comment I made this morning while commuting with my husband. We had finally Netflixed Terminator 3 this past week, and this morning I joked that he could get one of those nifty, non-expiring governmental license plates by doing QA for Homeland Security.

"You can be the guy who makes SURE SpyNet works right when it gets ready to destroy the human race."

Ugh. Looks like they don't need him.

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