Sunday, January 10, 2016

Clear Agreements & “Accountabilibuddies”

 As a follow-up to my SMART goals post, I'd like to share some ideas about working with an "accountabilibuddy," or ABB. My own shiny new ABB used this term at a recent meetup, and I LOVE IT. She thinks her brother may have coined the term, and if so, I thank him deeply.

Often the most difficult part of achieving your dreams is staying on track. Writing actions down, getting specific, and shouting them out loud may be half the battle, but then there’s that other 50%. 

Cruising Buddies

Asking for accountability, support, and cheerleading is hard for a lot of us. It requires trust, commitment, and equality.  Giving support can also be risky. Many people fear being sucked in, having someone be dependent on them, or giving too much and burning out.
The best answer for overcoming these very real challenges to supporting each other is to have a clear agreement about what the ABB relationship looks like. Because your new buddy is a fresh relationship with no interpersonal baggage (yet), it is an amazing opportunity to practice communication and an idea called Clear Agreements.

Lizard Buddies
Creating a Clear Agreement is such a simple process that it feels embarrassing to write it down; just determine: What, When, How? (Why is optional) Simple, right? Obvious, right? Duh, right? Turns out not so much. Taking the time to stop and do this early and often in new relationships is uncommon. It may also be more difficult than you might think, because while the shiny new relationship doesn’t have any baggage yet, you, my friend, almost certainly do.
The good news is that answering the questions below and practicing setting clear agreements will not only help you have a solid and dependable accountabilibuddy, but it might improve your other relationships as well. Here are some questions you can use to prepare for a strong, mutually beneficial “accountabilibuddy” relationship:

1) Consider past experiences where you felt supported. Have you had a great boss, a team coach, a parent, a teacher that challenged and encouraged you? List specific actions or key words that person used to motivate you:


2) Based on your Goal and Action Plan, what does ideal support look like?  What actions would you like an accountabilibuddy to take that will help you stay motivated and move forward in your goals (especially in the face of adversity)? Examples: email, phone call, meeting, walk.


3) When and how frequently would you want a buddy to hold you accountable? Daily? Weekly? Bi-Weekly? Monthly? Be as specific as possible about your ideal support.

4) How do you want to work with your accountabilibuddies? Phone? Email? Text? In-person? Over coffee? While exercising? In a coffee shop? At your home? Be as specific as possible about your ideal support.

Making friends 2 

5) Review the What, When, How items you’ve captured. Are you willing to provide some of these to someone else? Do they seem like a lot to ask? Write down any support you want, but feel like you might not be able to provide yourself.

we help us

The Clear Agreement I want to ask for is ___________________________________________


One thing I will do to practice asking for support is ___________________________________


The hardest part of the ABB relationship for me is ___________________________________


Once you've answered all of these questions, you should be pretty clear on what you want. Not sure who to ask for support? Here are some tips:

  1. Start by telling everyone how excited you are about your goal! Once they know what it is, they may know someone on a similar path or even someone who had "been there" and may be available to mentor you.
  2. Checkout for local groups that meet to support realizing the type of goal you are pursuing.
  3. Hire a coach. Sometimes you want to rely on a professional. This can be especially useful if you aren't interested in a mutual accountabilibuddy agreement. Coaches will help you create a clear agreement, support you, and in return you'll pay them. Voilà! The relationship stays in balance. [Yes, feel free to hire me if you really want to!]

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