Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Day 39

I'm packing up to come home to the U.S.

If you haven't followed me on FB, my Dad is ill, and I'm frankly tired of traveling. I know that I could spend the planned 7 days enjoying Vienna and Munich, but my heart isn't in it anymore. I'm done...for now.

39 days of travel
3 European countries
one 45 +/- 3 lb bag
8 packed items were unworn:

Thickest fleece scarf
Thinnest sleeveless V-neck silk tank
Ballet neckline short sleeved silk undershirt 
Nice wool slacks
Nice polka dot "professional" blouse
Army belt

I was only cold once when I misjudged the temperature and left my silk long underwear off. At the top of the Alps, I was just fine!

Next time I will replace the unworn items with a pair of flip flops/sandals.

I had PLENTY of underwear and socks; and sink washing, plus three real loads of laundry, got me by.

Feeling pretty great about the packing, and the best part is that I'm going from weather in the 30s to weather in the 80s, and I will be perfectly fine! Convertible pants and layers for the win!

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