Monday, January 26, 2015

Day -34 - Because, Rhinos.

This Pilgrimage was supposed to happen later in 2015. I was going to go in May. Maybe with my husband, around our anniversary. Maybe for Towel Day.

 Although I've always said, "I want to travel!" I've made just a few forays out into the wider world (a thing I sometimes feel a bit guilty about).

I have, however, had the opportunity to pet a Rhino. Two, in fact. With my hand. And with a super-bristly, Rhino back-scratching, scrubby brush. Because my husband is that guy. He's the guy who is standing at the zoo, reading the brochure and saying, "When are you EVER going to have another opportunity to Pet. A. Rhino?!?!?!"

Therefore, although when considering the UK for my first overseas vacation as an adult, despite the fact that I wanted to go at a nice time of year,  Neil Gaiman had to go and tempt me.

And why not? I mean, when are you going to be able to support an amazing cause, hear Neil Gaiman speak live, and have it be a part of the great Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything Pilgrimage to 42 places in Douglas Admas Novels, over 42 days, for your 42nd birthday??

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