Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Check out the new, first ever, FFO Anthology!

In my spare time, I am a "slush" reader: someone who reads unsolicited submissions for the Magazine Flash Fiction Online.  I happen to *adore* flash fiction. For FFO, that's less than 1000 words, creating a complete story arc.

Everything that makes it past us "slushies" and into FFO is creative, crafted, and if you didn't like it for any reason, OVER.

The first-ever anthology is out, and it is a fun thing to read, then pass along to other friends who may never have experienced this particular form.

Amazon Kindle: Flash Fiction Online 2014 Anthology
Other Ebook Formats: Flash Fiction Online 2014 Anthology

If you decide you enjoy reading this format as much as I do, please consider becoming a Patron. The anthology is a reward at the $5/month donor level here: Patreon

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