Last set of pictures for today: FEATHERS! My friend has offered me an opportunity to sell off parts of my wonderful feather "collection" by turning them into jewelry components.
First, I wanted to sort and clean the feathers. Uh. Yeah. I never got any further.
Here are some pictures of sorting the feathers. They have to be sorted by right and left in order to make components that are symmetrical. Birds do not lose all of their feathers at once. That would make flying HARD.
Instead, each molt they lose a feather from either the right or left. During the next seasonal change, they lose an opposing feather. This keeps the birds from ever having too few feathers to fly, or from having to just fly in a circle all the time.
These feathers are primarily from Jeremy and Cookie (My mom's bird). There are a few extras from Macaws I have known, and from some pheasants that had the unfortunate luck to meet up with CB during hunting season.
I also have some before and after photos of Experiment #1: Wash in Woolite, in a bag, on gentle cycle. Back to the drawing board...
Turns out the best way to clean feathers is with steam. Experiment #2 coming up!
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