Friday, April 20, 2007

Beautiful Wine Bags

2007 is the year of "Move it Out!"

I want to move out all the extra fabrics, beads, wire, mask making supplies, hats in progress, bath salt making herbs,
and feathers. Here is my first attempt at starting the process: Wine bags for my friend W.

He does wine tastings and needed nice bags for covering up bottles for blind taste tests. I bought this incredible fabric over five years ago to make Bellydance costume pieces (which never came to fruition). The SuperHubby and I, with lots of help from my friend R., spent much of a day deciding the best way to go about making the bags, getting them stable, putting in drawstrings, and picking the standard sizes.

Now that we have a pattern ready to go, I am going to start selling them through friends who do Art & Wine Festivals. If you'd like to buy one to keep dust off your wine, give as a gift, or use at a historical event to "hide" your anachronistic bottle of water...drop me a line!

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