Paradigm shift
I've been stuck for ahwile on the data. We looked at the data this morning and the conclusions of the team match mine (soo far). They are supposed to review the data on their own and let me know if they violently disagree with me. I feel good about the compromise / buy in.
The largest area of potential improvement still appears to be the system. Data Entry errors are only rampant because the system allows them. Then my boss hit me with the paradigm shift that I have been fighting: "What if we just have to live with Human Error?"
Live with HUMAN ERROR? You mean, not try to improve the system in order to prevent errors? Accept defeat and trust the band aids? Take "no" for an answer?!?
Like hell! That's not ME. That's not why I do Root Cause Ananlysis - I look for the root cause in order to fix the ROOT CAUSE - not some piddly excuse three levels above the real reason!
On the other hand, what if the "data entry error" reports stopped coming in? What if the people filling out the reports suddenly walked across the building, had a conversation, took some action and FIXED THE PROBLEMS THEMSELVES?!?!?! No cross-functional team, strong-arming action items from the unwilling. Wow. What a concept.
I'm suddenly SO TIRED that I want a nap. Maybe after my boss leaves in a few minutes I'll put my head down on my desk like a 3rd grader in trouble...
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