Thursday, November 10, 2005

Later, the same day...

Again I took a second or two to revisit the moon description. It is so rich that it is possible to see anything in the interraction of intent and interpretation.

Here is what rings true as the afternoon wears on painfully
slowly. The Moon effects can be:
"feeling bewildered, losing direction and purpose, having trouble thinking clearly, becoming confused, being easily distracted, feeling disoriented, wandering aimlessly"
Let's just say it hasn't been the most productive day ever and I'm glad I have nowhere to go but HOME tonight. Much of my energy from the AM has drained out of me, through the conduit of my chair. Even getting up and walking at lunch with a friend has left me feeling more tired in this early afternoon. I think I need bouillon too - lack of sodium is a far more likely cause of lightheadedness and mild headache than the effects of an enitrely moonlit day.

As I look back at my AM posts I also realize that the following descriptors are uncannily accurate:

"stimulating the imagination, having vivid dreams or visions, opening to fantasy, plumbing the unconscious, entertaining unusual thoughts, being outlandish and bizarre"

Pomegranate anyone?

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