Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Bare Bones of Gift Giving

Pics of the housewarming gifts for my ortho surgeon friend, gamer buddy, neighbor and proud new home owner.

I have been a lot sad as thoughtful gifts have been coming my way recently. 

I feel like I haven't been doing my normal, seeing-the-perfect-thing and buying it, all the year 'round; which has been my practice in the past. 

I realize the reason is threefold: 

One, I'm grieving. Sad and tired still, as six months have disappeared in a blur since my father's death.

Two, my strolling and shopping has been greatly reduced by my lack of tolerance for crowds of people and strangers, courtesy of the sads.

Three, when I have bought or created things, they have been for me, as an attempt at escapism (to forget for awhile), or consolation (to make myself feel better).

So for all my wonderful, amazing friends out there who haven't received cards or gifts or letters or trinkets this year: I am here. I still love you. 

Soon I will be back to finding gifts like these: fun, funny, perfectly (in)appropriate little things that remind me of you; how much I love you, miss you and carry you in my heart at all times.

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