Tuesday, August 04, 2015

How I See Myself

I've seen a lot of those interesting matrices of images go around FB, the one with a single topic from multiple perspectives. They always have a set of images that are contrasting and funny, "what my parents see," "what my friends see," "what I see."

I was giving that meme some thought today as I stood at the train station, because I finally have all of my watches back in working order, thanks to my awesome husband. And in this case, my watches, like so many of my clothes, are an external projection of my internal emotional or mental state.

It occurred to me, as it often does, to ponder the disconnect between how I see myself, and how the world sees me, which is the point - and the poignancy -of those memes.

So in that spirit, here is how I think most of the world sees me:

And here is how I see myself:

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