Monday, January 06, 2014

To Drivel And Beyond!!!

Two people have now officially heard the first chapter of my latest novel read out loud. I have two copies with handwritten notes, and I have officially received feedback on fiction I have written.

No groans. 
No major confusion. 
Lots of positive feedback. 

I did get two "serious" notes that I feel REALLY good about because they exactly echoed potential issues that concerned me going in.  

I must say I suffered a LOT of anxiety this weekend as I read what I had written for the first time since writing it.

Just printing out copies and stapling them together was quite difficult. I was nearly paralyzed by "this is crap," and "why would anyone read this drivel?"

Today, post-workshop, I feel very, very relieved that my drivel achieved a lot of what I hoped it would. 

2014 is going to be a GREAT YEAR.

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