hubby: Chinese food good. How'd you know that's what I was eating?
y: you'll see:
y: in addition to the company luncheon, and new messaging, Marketing opened up a contest yesterday. Because our product name is going from Product ACRONYM to just Product, the contest was to guess how many times Product ACRONYM occurred in all of our marketing materials.
y: My first reaction was "I hate those "pennies in a jar" guessing games."
y: Then when I saw the e-mail I thought: Well, we probably say it 5 times in a page / document, and we probably have 500 pages of 2500 and a bit more....and then I just cleared my mind and let the first numbers that floated into it be my guess.
y: Then I vented that evening about all the really awful stuff that has been going on at work, including the really problematic new messaging. I really felt mad! Today, I re-read the edits I had made to the marketing info they handed out, and asked the VP of Mktng for a meeting.
y: He accepted, so I was feeling better about being able to vent constructively.
y: This e-mail arrived just now:
Subject: Product ACRONYM guessing game - And the winner is...y: 15 people guessed. Convenient that I already have a lunch date planned, eh?
…Y! She guessed 3214.
The actual number of pages is 3643. Only off by 429!
Congrats Y! You win lunch on the VP of Mktng and your picture in the break room.
Thanks for playing.
y: I think the universe does NOT like it when I am mad....
hubby: You're AWESOME!
hubby: Why is it that you don't play the lottery?
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