My blog hero is great...except when he isn't. Another thing I love about him also just became a thing I hate: his "normalcy." He just left this post about how he wouldn't be posting for awhile due to his son's birthday, and the first of many parties for his newly engaged sister, yadda-ya.
I feel like cussing him out and saying, "You [insert bad word here]! What makes you so damn lucky?" Even while I realize I like to read his stories about the closest thing to a "nuclear family" in the new millenium, I am simultaneously irked by the selfish, "Why can't *I* have THAT?!"
A sister. A sibling to get along with (or multiple siblings, the jerk!). Reasonable family relationships and conversations. Engagement parties instead of surprising notes with a date and time scribbled on the back because a girlfriend got pregnant and there had better be a wedding...
Hey, Hero! It isn't that what you're writing is BORING (though without any content or tension, yeah, its that too), but I slam the webpage closed when I feel taunted by refrains of "Look what Aaaaaahhhhhh've got, and you can't haaaaaaaaave it...."
As my dear friend K. would say, although I know he stole it from somewhere else: "Bitter, Party of One."
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