So the "Christmas" tree is a theft by the Christians, who stole the idea from the pagans, in order to shed less blood, when they forcibly converted them, by not taking away all of their holidays and symbols....Right? I'm not sure why I think this, but it is a "story" in my brain about our culture.
Americans then go and make the whole season worse with their emphasis on a possibly historical gesture by three travellers in robes.
I just finished a testy conversation with our nice, self-styled 'old broad,' the receptionist. I just heard that "they" want to turn Christmas Trees into Holiday Trees.
"...And there's that guy who wants to take Christ and God out of everything..." she said, offhandedly.
"That's okay by me!" I replied, cheerfully.
"Well it is Not. Okay. With me." she stated...and then I watched her hackles rise:
"I would never presume to go to another country and tell them how to celebrate their holidays or which ones they could / couldn't celebrate but that is what is happening here! They aren't 'holiday trees' they are Christmas Trees."
Me pointing out that they are actually subjugated pagan trees did not seem to help the matter. We went through the standard arguments:
Me: We have separation of Church and State.
Her: No, we don't, our country was founded by Christians who came here to practice their religion.
Me: Founded by people who came to escape religious persecution.
Her: Grumpily making her way out of the lobby...
I don't even remember the name of the Pagan holiday. I don't care if we call them Christmas or Holiday trees. I honor and respect people's right to worship in their homes and churches.
They cant do it in public or in *my* backyard though. That's what Bein' 'Merican means.
I think calling them 'Holiday Trees' can only raise awareness within the right wing, conservative, Christian Coalition and followers that some of us are not going to let the country go without a fight.
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