Friday, October 28, 2005


It occurred to me after the fact (I am in fact not in the fields of marketing nor medicine) that I should have googled "Aspiration Machine" BEFORE choosing it. Turns out, the most common ways those two words are joined has nothing to do with cranking out fabulous dreams and taking deep breaths.

No, those words are linked primarily to abortion, liposuction and a few arcane mechanical tooling sites. Ah well, I can roll with that.

I usually read, or sit and play Solitare or Bejeweled during the 30 minutes, 2 days a week (at least) when I have to be the Front Desk receptionist. There are times when covering the front desk just seems so ludicrous. Mostly because the idea of a degree-toting professional like me paging people and directing customer calls seems like a terrible waste of money. And cramp in my workday flow.

But honestly - I love answering phones. i love the POWER of the switchboard. I love the fact that I am actually helping our customers get the information they need. It is the little things. On the other hand, this keyboard sucks, the phone and areas always feel slightly scummy and "used" in a way that my own personal (dusty and dingy) cubicle doesn't. What is that sense...the sense of someone else's space.

It is fundamentally how you know you are a "professional." The illusion of "owned" space, inviolate and infused with your own being is a nice one to have. And you get to choose when you want to pee too. not just during the alloted 15 minutes per shift...

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